How To Export A Macos On Game Maker Studio 2

The latest version of Game Maker Studio (1.2), the option you want is 'Create Application': From there, you can save it as an installer, a compiled exe or a zip. In this case, you could use the 'Single runtime executable' and distribute that. Jun 22, 2017 In addition to the Console exports we are also introducing GameMaker Studio 2 Ultimate, containing all export modules (including console if you are a registered developer). Ultimate is the one-stop-shop route for developers targeting all platforms and can be purchased for $1500.00 USD for 12 months access by all developers who are registered on.

GameMaker Studio 2 by YoYo Games is now available for use on macOS. The 2D game engine, that has been used to create games like Hyper Light Drifter, can now be used on Apple Mac’s following a short beta test.

The GameMaker IDE (integrated development environment) has been developed in tandem with the PC version and has exactly the same features and layout on macOS as it has on PC. That includes updates to the workflow, the integrated debugger and support for the Xbox Live Creators Programme.

This version of the engine will also support the Mac touchpad with the ability to pan and zoom using the trackpad, meaning that Mac laptops will also be able to use the engine IDE.

“We worked tirelessly to ensure GameMaker Studio 2’s Mac debut would coincide with the needs of game developers that prefer to use platforms outside of Windows and home consoles,” said general manager of YoYo Games, James Cox.

“After months carefully considering the feedback we received from beta testing and direct community outreach, we’re confident that developers who prefer Mac can now feasibly create games on the often-ignored platform. We’re always looking for ways to expand game creation to as many developers as possible, and we know Mac users will make some stand-out games with these resources.”

GameMaker Studio 2 is the next iteration in the highly successful GameMaker series, with the ability to develop games for multiple platforms, including OS X, PC, Windows UWP, Console (excluding Switch), mobile and HTML 5. You can read a recent interview with James Cox and YoYo Games, on the engine and its educational legacy, here.

If you are just starting as a game developer using GameMaker Studio 2, then you may be left with a feeling of 'what now'? once you've finished creating your first games. To help answer this question, we're going to give you a brief overview in this tech blog of how to export your game as a complete and playable package, and then where to distribute it to people so it can be played.

Regardless of the platform your game targets, exporting starts the same way - by clicking the Create Executable button at the top of the IDE:

What happens next will largely depend on the platform you are targeting and it would be impossible for use to explain it all here in a single tech nlog. However, we have extensive Helpdesk documentation that will take you through all the necessary steps for each platform, which you can find from the following links:

Regardless of platform, at the end you will be left with a file package for your game, for example a .zip on Windows or an .apk on Android. This is what you'll be uploading to the internet for people to play.

Once you've compiled your game you'll want to share it with people, or even sell it on some stores. But how? Well, a lot will depend on the platform that you are working with, as each one will have different strong and weak points. For example, on Windows you might want to sell your game, while on Android you might want to have it as a free (or ad supported) game. We can't help you take these decisions, but we can at least point you in the right direction by suggesting some places where you can upload and distribute your games!

Windows, Mac, Ubuntu

There are a lot of places where you can share your games on the Desktop targets, and most of them support all three of the major platforms. Here's a list of the most well known ones for you to look at (note that some of them will require you to pay a fee to register as a publisher).

To start with, these sites all accept games for all three targets, Windows, macOS and Ubuntu (Linux):

  • Steam - This is a major distribution platform that requires you to pay a fee for publishing games. The setup and integration of the Steam SDK in your app is essential.

  • - This site offers a number of benefits for small and independent developers, and has a very loyal and growing fan base. No initial fee required to start publishing.

  • GameJolt - Another site for independant developers looking for an audience. Has no initial fee and monetisation possibilities.

Just for macOS games you can try these as well:

  • Mac App Store - The Apple App Store for Mac. The most used and common distribution system for mac games, but requires a fee to paid for developing and publishing.

  • Mac Game Store - This store has been around longer than the official App Store, and permits you to self publish games through them.


For Android there are two main marketplaces:

  • Amazon App Store - This app store accepts all games for Android (not just those built for the Amazon Fire device) and has a massive reach.

  • Google Play - The biggest of the Android app stores.

However, those are not the only stores available, with the above mentioned and Gamejolt both accepting Android *.apk files. Below are a few more commonly used stores, but do some research and you'll find a lot more:

  • Samsung Galaxy Apps - Samsung have a huge market share so this store is one that should be considered.

  • SlideME - An independant app store that comes pre-installed on many devices and has a large market share.

  • UpToDown - A small but well known Android app store where all app submissions are personally curated to maintain quality and ensure there is no malware.


Mac Os Mojave

If you want to publish to iOS then there is really only one way to do it and that's through the Apple App Store. If you aren't an Apple developer, then you'll need to make an account and pay a fee before beginning:

Note that there are alternatives to the App Store, but their legality is dubious and many of them host pirated products or malware. We do not recommend trying to publish iOS games through them at all, especially as you may be breaking the Apple Terms of Service if you do.

How to export a mac os on game maker studio 2 tutorial


Like iOS, the UWP platform is locked to a single store, the Windows App Store. Signing up is easy and there is a one-time fee for joining. You can get full details of the process from the following link:

How To Export A Mac Os On Game Maker Studio 2 Official Site

You can also share your UWP apps outside of the store as - for example - a download from your own site by using Visual Studio to make an App Installer. It's also worth noting that once signed up as a developer for UWP, you will have the additional possibility of publishing your games to the Xbox One platform. To find out more, please see the Microsoft Documentation.


Of all the platforms available, the HTML5 web platform is perhaps the most flexible when it comes to publishing. Html5 games can be played on just about any device, and can be hosted on your own web pages or pushed to distribution portals. Of these, the above mentioned and Gamejolt sites are a great place to start but there are many. many more, for example:

  • Poki (It's worth noting that Poki have an extension for integrating their SDK on the YoYo Games Marketplace, as well as a complete, and easy to follow start-up guide).

If you want to host the game on your own page, then see the following helpdesk article:

The hardest part of all this is actually getting a game finished and ready for publishing, since - as you can see - there are a wealth of options available to you to get your game out there in front of people to play it. This article only scratches the surface of game publishing though, and we recommend that you explore all the different options open to you! Not only can you self-publish, but you can contact publishing companies and have them help you or you could consider licencing your game to different aggregate portals and let them publish for you (a great way to get HTML5 games published). Whatever you do, take your time, read through any documentation or licences carefully, and above all else, have fun and if you do publish anything, then maybe consider letting us know about it through our GameMaker Showcase!