Mace Tyrell Game Of Thrones Wiki

  1. Game Of Thrones Wiki Mace Tyrell
  2. Mace Tyrell Game Of Thrones Wikipedia

Game Of Thrones is a fantasy drama tv show and is based off the books by George R.R. Martian. The series is set on the fictional continents of Westeros and Essos and interweaves and has several plot lines and a very large cast, here are the houses and the characters that belong to them.


Lord Mace Tyrell is Lord of Highgarden, Defender of the Marches, High Marshal of the Reach, and Warden of the South. His family is rather renowned for their riches and political power. Mace Tyrell Mace Tyrell is a Sworn Sword Quest that is part of the A True Seeing storyline.

Game of thrones cast tyrell

'Winter Is Coming'

Seated in Winterfell, House Stark is the principle house of the northern lands of Westeros. House Stark ruled as Kings in the North for thousands of years before the Targaryens came to power and conquered the Seven Kingdoms.

Members Of House Stark

-Ned Stark (Warden of the north)

-Catelyn Stark (Ned's wife)

-Robb Stark (Son of Ned and Catelyn)

-Sansa Stark (Daughter of Ned and Catelyn)

-Arya Stark (Daughter of Ned and Catelyn)

-Bran Stark (Son of Ned and Catelyn)

-Jon Snow (Basterd son of Ned)

-Benjen Stark (Ned's brother)


'Hear Me Roar'

House Lannister is seated at Casterly Rock in the Westerlands. They are the richest house in Westeros.

Members Of Lannister

-Tywin Lannister (Warden of the west)

-Cersei Lannister (Queen, daughter of Tywin)

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-Jaime Lannister (son of Tywin Lannister)

-Tyrion Lannister (son of Tywin Lannister)

-Joffrey Baratheon (Cersei’s son, thought to be King Robert’s son, but is really Jaime’s son)

-Myrcella Baratheon (Cersei’s daughter, thought to be King Robert’s daughter, but is really Jaime’s daughter)

-Tommen Baratheon (Cersei’s son, thought to be King Robert’s son, but is really Jaime’s son)


'Ours is the fury'

House Baratheon is the principle house of the Stormlands and is the youngest of the noble houses. King Robert is head of the house, though he lives in King’s Landing.

Members of Baratheon


-Robert Baratheon (former King of the Seven Kingdoms)

-Stannis Baratheon (Robert’s younger brother, Renley’s brother, Lord of Dragonstone)

-Renly Baratheon (Younger brother of Robert and stannis , Lord of Storm’s End)


'Fire and blood'

Originally from Valyria on the continent of Essos, House Targaryen conquered the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros and ruled for 300 years through the use of dragons. The rule of the Targaryens ended when Robert Baratheon and Ned Stark led a rebellion to depose King Aerys, during which the king was slain by Jaime Lannister. Afterward, Robert took the Iron Throne, and Aerys’s surviving two children (Daenerys and Viserys) were exiled to Essos.

Members Of Targaryen

-Daenerys Targaryen (Matriarch)

-Viserys Targaryen (Daenerys’s brother)

-Aerys II Targaryen (Daenerys’s father, former King of the Seven Kingdoms).


'We do not sow'

Seated in Pyke in the Iron Islands, House Greyjoy became Lords Paramount of the Iron Islands after the Targaryens conquered Westeros.

Members Of Greyjoy

-Balon Greyjoy (Lord of the Iron Islands).

-Theon Greyjoy (Balon’s son, heir apparent to the Iron Islands).

-Asha Greyjoy (Balon’s daughter).


'As high as honor'

House Arryn is the principle house in the Vale and is seated in a small castle called the Eyrie, which is located at the top of a mountain.

Members Of Arryn

-Jon Arryn (former Hand of the King),

-Lysa Arryn (Catelyn’s younger sister),

-Robert Arryn (Lysa’s son, Lord of the Eyrie).


“Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken”

Seated at Sunspear Castle in Dorne, House Martell resisted conquest by the Targaryens and was allowed to remain sovereign; in fact, Dorne was the only kingdom that maintained its independence during the Targaryen conquest. House Martell supported the Targaryens during Robert Baratheon’s rebellion, but ended up swearing fealty to Robert after he took the Iron Throne. House Martell isolated itself from the other houses because of their anger and resentment of the Lannisters.

Members Of Martell

-Doran Martell (Prince of Dorne).

Game Of Thrones Wiki Mace Tyrell

-Oberyn Martell (Doran’s brother).


'Family, Duty, Honor'

House Tully is seated at Riverrun in the Riverlands. Catelyn Stark and Lysa Arryn are the daughters of Hoster Tully, the Lord of Riverrun.

Members Of Tully

-Hoster Tully (Lord of Riverrun, Catelyn and Lysa’s father).

-Edmure Tully (Hoster’s only son).


'Growing strong'

House Tyrell is the principle house in the Reach and is seated in Highgarden. The Targaryens made the Tyrells Lords of Highgarden after the king of the Reach was killed. The women of House Tyrell are known to be clever leaders, which is apparent in Margaery Tyrell’s rise to become Renly Baratheon’s wife, then betrothed to Joffrey after Renly’s death.

Members Of Tyrell

-Mace Tyrell (Lord of Highgarden).

Mace Tyrell Game Of Thrones Wikipedia

-Olenna Tyrell (Mace’s mother).

-Margaery Tyrell (Mace’s daughter, wife of Joffrey and Tommen Baratheon).

-Loras Tyrell (Mace’s son, heir to House Tyrell).